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En tant qu'élève d'Astral le magicien, vous et vos amis étudiez toutes les matières habituelles : la lecture, l'écriture et le combat à l'épée. Alors que votre scolarité touche à sa fin, de sombres événements se déroulent sur l'île de Grans. Les deux joyaux qui scellent la porte des ténèbres ont été volés, ce qui a permis à une créature d'une puissance phénoménale de se déchaîner. Trouver l'endroit où les joyaux ont été emportés, et pourquoi, est une tâche que seuls les aventuriers les plus courageux peuvent entreprendre.


Dans un sanctuaire au sud du château de Granseal, un voleur nommé Slade brise involontairement le pouvoir d'un sceau magique en volant les joyaux de Lumière et d'Obscurité, ce qui libère le roi démon Zeon qui y est enfermé. Le lendemain, le roi Granseal tombe malade après avoir été attaqué par une créature inconnue. Sir Astral, le conseiller de la cour, ainsi que ses apprentis, Bowie l'écuyer, Sarah la guérisseuse et Chester le chevalier, enquêtent sur ces événements au château. Ils découvrent que la porte de la Tour des Anciens a été déverrouillée et reste ouverte.

Leur arrivée dans la tour est saluée par des démons nommés "Gizmos" qui surgissent pour attaquer, bien que leurs intentions ultimes soient inconnues. Après leur défaite, le Gizmo qui semble être le chef s'enfuit. On découvre par la suite qu'il a possédé le roi Granseal. Sir Astral et la Shining Force naissante rendent visite au roi et le trouvent possédé. Sir Astral exorcise le démon, qui s'enfuit aussitôt. Le ministre, à la place du roi Granseal qui veille sur un Astral évanoui, ordonne alors la mise à mort du Gizmo par un peloton de soldats de Granseal.

Lorsque le véritable danger de la porte ouverte est réalisé, la Shining Force doit se battre contre les armées d'invasion de Zeon pour trouver l'épée sacrée et les bijoux volés afin de pouvoir à nouveau vaincre et sceller à nouveau le Devil King Zeon dans la Vallée de l'Arc.

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Shining Force II Critiques et évaluations

Review by Arnold-Mrs [user]
18 avril 2021

The best game ever made! Epic soundtrack, beatiful graphics, wonderful history, almost 30 playabke charactes and a perfect gameplay. InfinityThe best game ever made! Epic soundtrack, beatiful graphics, wonderful history, almost 30 playabke charactes and a perfect gameplay. Infinity replay value. The best of RPGs and stratagy games in one unique and unforgatable experience.

Review by Sapuppy10 [user]
28 mars 2014

I stumbled upon this game on accident at a rental store took it home and was hooked from the start, it was my first strategy Role Playing gameI stumbled upon this game on accident at a rental store took it home and was hooked from the start, it was my first strategy Role Playing game I ever played. It has a really great and easy to follow story. The gameplay is excellent you can really take your time making Decisions. The graphics are ok. It reminds me of a chess game and they actually have a level where you are on a chess board. It also has a rat that turns into a freakin Ninja and a bird that turns into a phoenix, What more can you want?

Review by mavjs [user]
9 septembre 2013

One of my favorite games of all time and of that 16-bit era, Shining Force 2 improves in every way over the original, which I also love. ItOne of my favorite games of all time and of that 16-bit era, Shining Force 2 improves in every way over the original, which I also love. It has beautiful graphics for the time and honestly they still hold up today. The battle system is fun and engaging, and there are plenty of secrets to keep you playing. I Highly recommend it highly if you like JRPGs, Strategy RPGs, or just good games in general.

Review by whitespider999 [user]
29 février 2012

My first real gaming console was the master system (before that I just had an old atari 7xxx), however that was short of rpg's. When I finallyMy first real gaming console was the master system (before that I just had an old atari 7xxx), however that was short of rpg's. When I finally begged my mother to get a megadrive, I still kind of stuck to the "non rpgs". It took a while for me to finally get around to playing this game. And when I did, it took almost no time for me to suddenly realize that i had been missing a lot - by playing conventional platformers and action games. It's funny because now I look back on turn based rpgs and much prefer open world games like skyrim. However back then - a turn based rpg was incredible because it did not involve me running around and jumping on heads - it involved actual storytelling and characters. And even to this day, shining force II is a very charming game. Perhaps not the level of chrono trigger or the snes rpgs that followed - still, the combat is also quite simple - yet balanced really well. The reason I give this a 7 instead of a 10, is because when I review games - I don't let nostalgia affect the score (otherwise morrowind would get a 11/10 instead of 8/10). I only score games vs how they actually hold up vs the current gaming climate. Load the game up now, clear the slate of memories - how does the actual game hold up. And it's a 7 - which is excellent. Shining force 3 on the saturn was also a better game - however I only managed to play that recently via a translation patch. I wish I had played SFIII when it first came out.

Review by davenbettridge [user]
19 juillet 2011

It was 1995 during the school holidays, I was 14 and was given a few dollars to rent a game from the local video store, I found when arrivingIt was 1995 during the school holidays, I was 14 and was given a few dollars to rent a game from the local video store, I found when arriving that I had previously rented or played most games available, all except a game on the mega drive named Shining Force. The graphics on the back seemed decent but I was sceptical as many Japanese RPGs I had played prior were hit and miss for me. As there was no other option I rented SF2 and while walking home had a feeling of regret, thinking that I was going to hate it and had just wasted my money. After 10 minutes of playing I realised the game was on to something, after 20 minutes I became hooked, completely, I played Shining Force 2 for 2 days straight only to rent it again immediately after. As the game was long it took me along time to finish it, several rentals but in the end Shining Force had become one of my favourite RPGs. The gameplay simple and great, the graphics were fun with the awesome mixture of monsters from mythologies was fantastic, the story was involving and had something I found myself really caring about, there was something that seemed at stake with the story and I found myself deep in imagination while playing and filling in the gaps of the gameplay.. Although parts are dated today, Shining Force 2 remains a classic and highly enjoyable to gamers with patience and imagination. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for RPG lovers.

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Informations sur le jeu
Date de Sortie 1 octobre 1993
Éditeur Camelot Software Planning, Sega, Tec Toy
Note Globale 85%
Contenu Classé E (Everyone)
Modes de Jeu Un seul joueur
Perspectives des joueurs Vue d'oiseau / Isométrique
Genres Jeux de rôles (RPG), Stratégie, Stratégie au tour par tour (TBS)
Thèmes Fantaisie
Plateformes Wii, PC (Microsoft Windows), Sega Mega Drive/Genesis