We Were Here

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We Were Here Critiques et évaluations

Review by Rob-Piton [user]
2 août 2022

Very good unusual game for two PATIENT friends, this game can reveal all bad qualities of you and your game partner, you can test yourVery good unusual game for two PATIENT friends, this game can reveal all bad qualities of you and your game partner, you can test your friendship with someone with this game

Review by Rob-Piton [user]
2 août 2022

Very good unusual game for two PATIENT friends, this game can reveal all bad qualities of you and your game partner, you can test yourVery good unusual game for two PATIENT friends, this game can reveal all bad qualities of you and your game partner, you can test your friendship with someone with this game

Review by TheHungryMingo [user]
25 octobre 2021

The puzzles are fun but not hard, and a second playthrough is a cakewalk once you know what to do, but it was a fun experience with a friendThe puzzles are fun but not hard, and a second playthrough is a cakewalk once you know what to do, but it was a fun experience with a friend and it was free so I'm happy.

Review by TheHungryMingo [user]
25 octobre 2021

The puzzles are fun but not hard, and a second playthrough is a cakewalk once you know what to do, but it was a fun experience with a friendThe puzzles are fun but not hard, and a second playthrough is a cakewalk once you know what to do, but it was a fun experience with a friend and it was free so I'm happy.

Review by Alexb1096 [user]
24 juillet 2020

ITALIAN:Gioco davvero interessante da fare con un amico, soprattutto tenendo conto che è gratuito.Graficamente semplice ma efficace, conITALIAN:Gioco davvero interessante da fare con un amico, soprattutto tenendo conto che è gratuito.Graficamente semplice ma efficace, con uno stile realistico ma non troppo, così come l'audio che crea sempre un'ottima atmosfera, misteriosa ed inquietante.La storia e il gameplay invece si fondono in quanto saremo rinchiusi con un amico in due aree separate di un castello e dovremo comunicare tramite un walkie-talkie per risolvere degli enigmi, che saranno quindi divisi tra i due giocatori.Gli enigmi sono sempre di logica ma è necessaria una conoscenza base dell'inglese per capire alcuni elementi (un enigma in particolare purtroppo richiede un'ottima comprensione del parlato).Inoltre nonostante il gioco sia breve (lo si può completare in una sera) sono presenti dei checkpoint per riprendere la partita in un secondo momento.Per concludere, ottima idea di base, costa davvero poco provarlo per cui è molto consigliato, non ha bug o problemi evidenti se non relativi alla comprensione di qualche enigma, come già detto. In ogni caso internet viene in soccorso in questi casi.Voto: 8/10

En savoir plus
Informations sur le jeu
Date de Sortie 3 février 2017
Éditeur Total Mayhem Games
Contenu Classé E10+ (Everyone 10+)
Modes de Jeu Multijoueur, Coopérative
Perspectives des joueurs Première personne, Réalité virtuelle
Genres Aventure, Indie, Casse-tête
Thèmes Action, Horreur
Plateformes PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, SteamVR