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To Trust an Incubus Critiques et évaluations

Review by SappyNoypi [user]
27 janvier 2019

Bought this game because the demo was really good. But when you get to the part after to when the demo stops, the story will becomeBought this game because the demo was really good. But when you get to the part after to when the demo stops, the story will become convoluted. Also the game seems forcing you to pair the other characters. I also noticed some voice lines and art, differ in quality on some points. This game needs more polish. I enjoyed it, but it has some flaws. Probably wait for it to go on sale.

Informations sur le jeu
Date de Sortie 23 novembre 2018
Éditeur Y Press Games
Modes de Jeu Un seul joueur
Perspectives des joueurs Texte
Genres Simulateur, Roman visuel
Thèmes Science-fiction, Érotique
Plateformes PC (Microsoft Windows)