Theatre of War


Theatre of War

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Theatre of War développé par 1C Company (créateurs de la série primée IL-2 Sturmovik et de Pacific Fighters) est un titre de stratégie tactique en temps réel décrivant les batailles les plus importantes de la Seconde Guerre mondiale en 1939-1945.

Les joueurs commandent une force opérationnelle spéciale composée de différents types d'unités, notamment des chars, des véhicules blindés de transport de troupes, des canons de campagne, des mortiers et divers régiments d'infanterie. Ils ont également la possibilité de faire appel à l'artillerie et au soutien aérien. En mettant l'accent sur le détail des unités et le réalisme des combats, les généraux en herbe sont confrontés à des scénarios de bataille authentiques, tirés directement des dossiers et des cartes de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

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Theatre of War Critiques et évaluations

Review by Unurautare [user]
18 novembre 2015

A good game, but with very low replayability. It will take some hours to master the basics but after that you don't really do anything else.A good game, but with very low replayability. It will take some hours to master the basics but after that you don't really do anything else. It's still fun, especially the battle of Kursk or defending in Normandy, or the Polish missions, but it could have used more missions with more variability, more nations, more weapons and so on. The game offers something good and realistic, just not enough of it to make it a great game. Imagine if it offered all of the nations involved in World War 2, or at least those in Europe, and scenarios for every one of them. A campaign similar to that of World in Conflict might have also work. As stated before, a good game, regardless of the things it lacks.

Review by Klewer [user]
29 juillet 2013

I game that has a lot of potential and looks great suffers from some repetitive game play as well as some weird AI. However worth pushingI game that has a lot of potential and looks great suffers from some repetitive game play as well as some weird AI. However worth pushing through as a decent RTS leaning stronger to the sim side than action.

Review by Bowmark [user]
2 juillet 2011

Seriously one of the worst combat sims ever made. Horrible AI, enemy units that never miss even though they have no line of sight, and alliedSeriously one of the worst combat sims ever made. Horrible AI, enemy units that never miss even though they have no line of sight, and allied troops that run right up to enemy troops to get shot even though you are clicking attack and they have a machine gun. So glad this was on sale and part of a bundle....I should have read more reviews before buying. :(

Review by MikeW. [user]
1 octobre 2007

It took me a bit of time & effort to get this baby to run smoothly, but if your a serious wargamer and enjoy realistic wargames such as the It took me a bit of time & effort to get this baby to run smoothly, but if your a serious wargamer and enjoy realistic wargames such as the Close Combat series of games then this is the one for you. Having tried Sqad Assault, Combat mission and all the other WW2 games out there, finding them all lacking in some way or another this is the first title to satisfy me since playing ladder games on cc3!

Review by Gaming Target

Thinking gamers will appreciate the fact that Theatre of War presents them with a series of tactical problems rather than simply a chance to rack up the body counts. And anyone who's been jaded by the ease of other mainstream RTS franchises will enjoy the fact that this is a game that doesn't coddle its players.

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Informations sur le jeu
Date de Sortie 3 septembre 2021
Genres Stratégie
Plateformes PC (Microsoft Windows)