The Westport Independent

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"The Westport Independent est un simulateur de censure sur les dernières semaines d'un journal indépendant qui doit être démantelé selon un nouveau projet de loi du gouvernement.

Vous incarnez un rédacteur en chef chargé de choisir ce qui sera imprimé dans le journal, en veillant à ce que le contenu soit correct et conforme aux directives du gouvernement. Alors que les rébellions contre le gouvernement se multiplient au sein de la population, quelle vérité allez-vous publier ?"

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The Westport Independent Critiques et évaluations

Review by Krakenfranhavet [user]
25 décembre 2019

Well... you got what you paid for. For $1 i don't expect something on par with Papers please. It's very enjoyible and has it's complexity withWell... you got what you paid for. For $1 i don't expect something on par with Papers please. It's very enjoyible and has it's complexity with a couple of moral dilemmas. It's very short tough. I finnish the game in 1 hour. I wish that they can develop the game further into a full game because that has potential

Review by InfoGuy [user]
27 avril 2017

I agree with what others have said, I like the idea, but the actual gameplay could have been much better. First off, it's too short. There areI agree with what others have said, I like the idea, but the actual gameplay could have been much better. First off, it's too short. There are only 12 levels that might take 5 minutes to get through, or even less time later on when repeat articles start to show up at your desk.The characters' stories could use some work. Even though you only have 4 reporters at your disposal, I feel like I still barely know them, even after playing the whole game. The cutscenes in between levels could have been a good way to build their characters or comment on the player's decisions, but instead they never really discuss anything relevant to your progress.And speaking of progress, I never really felt that my decisions had any meaningful impact on the game. Aside from a few notes slipped onto my desk, or a staff member disappearing, the effects were fairly mild. There didn't seem to be any special events that stemmed from your editorial choices, such as disruption of delivery, or boycotts. But I did notice that some articles changed over time to reflect the effects of your choices, so credit for that.I wish there were more mechanics to the game. Edit articles, drag them onto the paper template, then drag the sliders for marketing, that's it? I feel like there were still many things to add: paper delivery, staff hiring, ad revenue, etc. If not, at least the current mechanics could have been more complex as time went on, like the increasing number of documents in Papers Please.Overall still enjoyable, but could have been much more thorough and engaging.

Review by GameSpew
3 avril 2016

A deceptively simple game, The Westport Independent is enjoyable, interesting, unique, and utterly immersive. I was thoroughly captivated playing it and I look forward to playing it again.

Review by LEVEL (Czech Republic)
22 mars 2016

Great idea wasted by a sterile execution, which removes the most important elements of the genre – fear, uncertainty and never-ending moral issues.

Review by COGconnected
7 février 2016

Unless you’re interested in the subject matter — and, really, I was — you’d be better off spending your money elsewhere.

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Informations sur le jeu
Date de Sortie 21 janvier 2016
Éditeur Coffee Stain Studios, Double Zero One Zero
Modes de Jeu Un seul joueur
Genres Indie, Simulateur, Stratégie au tour par tour (TBS)
Plateformes Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, Android, iOS