Spirits of Xanadu

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Aux confins de l'univers exploré, le vaisseau de recherche Xanadu sommeille en orbite autour d'une planète mystérieuse. Ses systèmes restent actifs mais aucun message de son équipage n'a été reçu depuis des mois. Un agent solitaire a été envoyé pour réveiller le Xanadu et le ramener sur Terre.

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Spirits of Xanadu Critiques et évaluations

Review by nanotheron [user]
11 janvier 2021

the creators of this game put a lot of heart and soul into one little spaceship. making it feel alive and atmospheric even without textures,the creators of this game put a lot of heart and soul into one little spaceship. making it feel alive and atmospheric even without textures, the writing is excellent as well. this game captures exactly what it sets out to be.fun puzzles, exploration, stealth, light combat, and spookiness.

Review by Buried Treasure
25 octobre 2020

Gosh there are too many “explore an abandoned space station” games,but I keep finding myself drawn to them, and it’s for exactly thereason that I hope they’ll offer what Spirits Of Xanadu includes. Imean, it’s not amazing, and I’ve still yet to find the Solaris ofvideogames that I’m desperately hoping for, but it’s nice to havesomething that delivers it all in a satisfying way.

Review by fartheststar [user]
16 février 2016

There's been a problem on a space ship far away. It was on an important mission, but communications have gone silent. You're sent to seeThere's been a problem on a space ship far away. It was on an important mission, but communications have gone silent. You're sent to see what happened, make repairs, and have orders to bring the ship back if possible. Of course a mystery awaits when you arrive. I won't go much farther than that as it's a game best experienced without too much description.I consider Spirits of Xanadu to be an excellent game, with a good mix of first person action, exploration, stealth, mystery, and light puzzles. The story and method of exposition is excellent. There's just enough to clue you into what's happening and keep you moving forward, and the writing and performance (via audiologs) is effective in allowing you to see clearly. (I'm sometimes frustrated by games where the writing tries to trick and confuse the player w/ the unreliable narrator thing, and Xanadu does not do that - it lays out the story for you to discover without the intentional misdirection that some games use.) I got stuck at one point and had to seek out a hint, but it's probably something I should've figured out myself if I'd been more careful w/ my exploration.Another thing I like: the environments have a good degree of interactivity which helps make the world feel real and lived in. I enjoy games that reward exploring, and there are quite a few little "extras" that are not central to the game, but exist to help make the place feel real.So yes, I recommend this game. Quite an achievement for a small team - and I understand there was one developer doing the coding.

Review by Riot Pixels
16 juillet 2015

Spirits of Xanadu promises lots of cool things, but never delivers. The concept is original, and the hallucinations are quite frightening, but in the end, it’s just an unfinished game with shoddy combat mechanics and a weak narrative.

Informations sur le jeu
Date de Sortie 4 février 2015
Éditeur Good Morning, Commander, Nightdive Studios
Contenu Classé M (Mature)
Modes de Jeu Un seul joueur
Perspectives des joueurs Première personne
Genres Aventure, Tireur, Indie, Arcade
Thèmes Action, Science-fiction
Plateformes Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, Nintendo Switch