
Connaissez-vous quelqu’un qui pourrait aimer ce jeu ?


Phantaruk combine le survival horror avec des mécanismes d'aventure et de furtivité. Attendez-vous à de véritables frissons dans le dos alors que vous vous battez pour votre vie, non seulement en affrontant les dangers du vaisseau spatial Purity-02, mais surtout en essayant de vous débarrasser des toxines qui vous détruisent continuellement de l'intérieur.


Pendant longtemps, l'humanité a été contrainte par les limites du corps humain. La plupart ont accepté l'imperfection de la chair, mais certains ont cherché à se libérer. Poursuivre le rêve de créer un être post-humain - réaliser les idées du transhumanisme - est la force motrice de H+ Corporation. Dans ses installations, la technologie et l'homo sapiens sont devenus une seule entité. Un organisme dépourvu des faiblesses biologiques de l'humanité.

Vous montez à bord du vaisseau spatial Purity-02, le complexe principal de la H+ Corporation.

Le rêve se transforme en cauchemar lorsque vous réalisez ce qu'est devenu le Purity-02. Autrefois un vaisseau de recherche, il s'est transformé en un piège mortel et désert. Pour fuir le Purity-02, vous devez enquêter sur les mystères du vaisseau. À chaque minute qui passe, les chances de survie deviennent minces. Infecté par un parasite émettant des toxines mortelles, vous luttez contre les ravages causés dans votre corps. Mais il y a encore un plus grand danger à éviter.

Une bête erre dans le vaisseau. Une créature connue depuis des fables oubliées et des mythes anciens. Elle peut rôder dans n'importe quelle ombre et se tapir derrière n'importe quel coin. Vous devez planifier tous vos mouvements. Vous devez survivre à l'infection.

Vous devez quitter le navire.

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Phantaruk Critiques et évaluations

Review by Riot Pixels
11 septembre 2016

For a horror game, Phantaruk is not scary at all. The persistent monster can kill you in seconds, but it's more annoying than frightening. The same goes for the timer - thanks to the game's linear structure, you always know the next life-saving syringe is just around the corner. Zombified test subjects are so badly animated that you can't help but laugh while trying to avoid them.

Review by DarkZero
7 septembre 2016

Unfortunately, the story never really got going in the game and with the slow crawl through a pretty much lifeless ship this made the game a little underwhelming. The story lasts anywhere between 2 -3 hours depending on how slow you take it and just feels too short and I’m not sure I ever really saw those stealth mechanics.

Review by COGconnected
24 août 2016

Phantaruk is a solid game that makes a great first impression but like that annoying party guest that does not know when to leave, the longer the game goes on the less terrifying it becomes. The game mechanics stay the same throughout which cause the player’s anxiety to become numb like a dentist’s anesthetic prior to filling a cavity.

Review by Amir-Hadzi [user]
24 août 2016

Game where you are being chased by some terrible monster that wants to kill you... Oh wait this reminds me of something, wait i know everyGame where you are being chased by some terrible monster that wants to kill you... Oh wait this reminds me of something, wait i know every horror survival game out there. My comparison aside this game is a survival horror with some stealth elements made by Polyslash indie studio. Something that makes this game stand out from every survival horror is your toxin meter where you have to use antidote to lower your toxin levels. Ship is the area you play in and it has some minor design flaws but it's very nice looking. The biggest issue in this game is AI, i don't think it's bad but game would have been better if events were scripted because suspense builds up with ambient then that mosnter wanders and sees you and all that suspense is lost, maybe first few times you are going to get scared but later it's just going to be boring. Game looks very good, fine enemy design and a good handling of horror element building suspense instead of a jumpscare around every corner. Phantaruk has a lot of good elements but the thing why i rated it lower then some might expect is it's similarity with other games of the genre and lack of innovation. To summarise it: Phantaruk is a game with a decent story, good enemy design, fine soundtrack, game looks nice but it's more or less same with every other sci-fi survival horror out there. If you are a fan of sci-fi survival horror games like SOMA you should find this game very enjoyable and interesting while if you aren't a big fan of survival horror games you won't really find it enjoyable. For the price tag Phantaruk is a cheap quality game

Review by Hooked Gamers
19 août 2016

I like the concept quite a bit, and there are a few other games out there that prove it can be done extremely well, but there are just too many issue here holding back the things the game does well for it to be an easy recommend.

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Informations sur le jeu
Date de Sortie 16 août 2016
Éditeur Polyslash, PlayWay S.A., Forever Entertainment S. A.
Contenu Classé M (Mature)
Modes de Jeu Un seul joueur
Perspectives des joueurs Première personne
Genres Aventure, Indie
Thèmes Action, Horreur, Survival, Science-fiction, Furtif
Plateformes PC (Microsoft Windows), Nintendo Switch