Koihime Enbu

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Koihime Enbu est un jeu de combat en 2D pour filles basé sur le roman visuel Koihime Musou, lui-même basé sur Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

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Koihime Enbu Critiques et évaluations

Review by GameCritics
20 juin 2016

Koihime Enbu’s a decent little brawler, though it doesn’t do enough to stand out from the crowd apart from its all-female cast. As such, it comes moderately recommended for fighting game enthusiasts who want to jump into something new, but it’s a much harder sell to a more casual demographic.

Review by GameGrin
6 juin 2016

Koihime Enbu is a surprisingly well-designed fighter and, while it might not shake up the industry, has very little wrong with it and quite a lot going for it.

Review by minix2poo [user]
30 mai 2016

Way to overpriced for this content.The animations look cheap if compared with other 2D anime style fighting games.But what bothers meWay to overpriced for this content.The animations look cheap if compared with other 2D anime style fighting games.But what bothers me the most is, that all chars have only like 3,4 basic skills, and then some that can be used with the energy gauge filled up. And most of the skill commands are almost the same patterns.

Review by 4Players.de
27 mai 2016

In the wake of Street Fighter 5 games like Koihime Enbu have a decent chance to find their fans. The counter focused fighting system is rock solid, but the lack of content drags this beat-em-up down.

Review by Vandal
26 mai 2016

Koihime Enbu is a solid fighting game. We would like to have a few more characters, but apart from that, it's a really interesting title for 2D-fighting lovers.

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Informations sur le jeu
Date de Sortie 17 juillet 2014
Éditeur Unknown Games, Yeti, Degica Games, M2, BaseSon
Modes de Jeu Un seul joueur, Multijoueur
Perspectives des joueurs Vue de côté
Genres Combattre
Thèmes Action, Historique
Plateformes PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Arcade