Jolly Rover

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Jolly Rover Critiques et évaluations

Review by PattonMcCrotch [user]
31 mai 2013

Excellent game, along the line of Discworld. Great humor and good item puzzles. The only problems are 1. the protagonist is the stuffiest andExcellent game, along the line of Discworld. Great humor and good item puzzles. The only problems are 1. the protagonist is the stuffiest and perhaps lamest character in the entire game, 2. the game is rather short, and most importantly, 3. there are no decent resolutions you can either play in a SMALL window, or play very stretched with heavily pixelated graphics, ruining the nice art. Still, this is a gem of a title.

Review by pwnoz [user]
15 mai 2012

This is a fun throwback to older adventure games. Not as complex or charming as some of the old greats, but a lot of fun nevertheless. ForThis is a fun throwback to older adventure games. Not as complex or charming as some of the old greats, but a lot of fun nevertheless. For any fans of Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, etc, I'd definitely recommend it.

Review by enworbo [user]
11 mars 2012

I got this game in one of those indie bundles, and was the only one in which I was willingly able to make it to the end. Obviously, it's not aI got this game in one of those indie bundles, and was the only one in which I was willingly able to make it to the end. Obviously, it's not a serious game, it's just a quick one to tide you over for a few hours, but it was still really enjoyable and worth those few hours (6, according to Steam).

Review by eTurkey [user]
29 février 2012

Although 'Jolly 'Rover' was intended to be released as a tribute title to the commanding 'Monkey Island' series of video games it hasn't livedAlthough 'Jolly 'Rover' was intended to be released as a tribute title to the commanding 'Monkey Island' series of video games it hasn't lived up to the sheer originality of It's spiritual successor. However having said that, this isn't an extremely bad game but it failed to be memorable and doesn't offer much replay value after you've finished it once. The music scores are nice but sound far too basic for a full-length feature but the comedy gets an A+ from me. It's as good as ANY I've seen in a point-and-click adventure including the aforementioned M.E. classics.

Review by ghorahn [user]
2 janvier 2012

Tales of Monkey Island set me off on a bender of playing through a bunch of adventure games, this one included. At first it smelled like aTales of Monkey Island set me off on a bender of playing through a bunch of adventure games, this one included. At first it smelled like a goofy MI knockoff....but before long, the character were enjoyable (with good voice acting -- always important), the story was sufficiently engaging and the puzzles were downright fun. (Plus, it's hard not to appreciate a hint systems that pretty much guarantees that you'll never get completely stuck). By the time it was over, I wanted a sequel!

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Informations sur le jeu
Date de Sortie 1 mai 2010
Éditeur Brawsome
Modes de Jeu Un seul joueur
Genres Aventure, Indie, Casse-tête, Pointer-cliquer
Thèmes Comédie
Plateformes Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac