Black Sand Drift

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Pendant plus de 300 ans, les cinq planètes de la galaxie Kotiro ont lutté sous la main lourde de robots mécaniques maniaques appelés Spiral. Alors que l'armée métallique poursuit sans relâche la ressource Sable Noir, quelques héros courageux décident de riposter.

Black Sand Drift Instructions d'activation

Black Sand Drift Critiques et évaluations

Review by BlueCatPK [user]
19 juin 2018

This is not a good game.It's a plain vertical shooter, that has the bizarre and abstract character design as the only thing it has going forThis is not a good game.It's a plain vertical shooter, that has the bizarre and abstract character design as the only thing it has going for it, and even then, most people would say that they are just simply ugly, like the rest of the game is. Ugly, boring and unimaginative... Which actually extends to the gameplay. There are no formations to the enemy lines, and they aren't even actively trying to stop you, they just stand in place, hundreds in numbers, and wait for you to mow them down. It's also very slow, but that was fixed by adding a "turbo" button, which should be the default speed in the first place, but it's nice that you can toggle between them on the fly. As for the music, it consists mostly of a mellow song with moaning vocals in the background. Needless to say, it's rather unfitting.

Review by Hooked Gamers
12 septembre 2016

Black Sand Drift clearly wants to stand out in the crowd. Its atypical visual, musical style, overly complex plot, and high level of difficulty makes it feel like the developers tried to squeeze too many ideas into one game. And while I admire their ambition, I feel that they stumbled in the execution.

Informations sur le jeu
Date de Sortie 8 septembre 2016
Éditeur Sometimes You
Modes de Jeu Un seul joueur
Genres Indie
Plateformes PC (Microsoft Windows)