At Sundown: Shots in the Dark

Connaissez-vous quelqu’un qui pourrait aimer ce jeu ?


AT SUNDOWN : SHOTS IN THE DARK est un jeu de cache-cache où les cartes sont recouvertes d'obscurité et où la lumière est votre ennemi. 4 joueurs s'affrontent dans un deathmatch pour être le meilleur !
Le jeu stratégique est vital dans les ombres de ce monde sombre dans lequel vous ne devenez visible que lorsque vous tirez, tirez ou tranchez. Voir ou être vu, tuer ou être tué.
Combien de temps allez-vous survivre à At Sundown ?

At Sundown: Shots in the Dark Instructions d'activation

At Sundown: Shots in the Dark Critiques et évaluations

Review by XBLA Fans
11 février 2019

There’s quality in At Sundown, but sadly its biggest strength in online play didn’t work out. There’s not much fun to be had past a couple of matches against bots. I didn’t really get into the “in the dark” element because I didn’t like or dislike it. I was impartial and though I thought it was a neat idea, I wasn’t impressed with the implementation. Without an online presence, the only appeal this will have is to those who seek out games they can play with people they know.

Review by Cubed3
29 janvier 2019

Two things must be taken into account here. First, AT SUNDOWN: Shots in the Dark is extremely light on content. Secondly, and maybe, more importantly, it uses a stealth mechanic that enables hiding from plain sight (your sight included) by walking into the dark; a mechanic that will probably turn out to be quite divisive. Definitely try out a demo before a purchase.

Review by Xbox_Alive [user]
24 janvier 2019

The core mechanic in the game has been done well and in some ways it’s unique which in turn does enough to keep you coming back for more. InThe core mechanic in the game has been done well and in some ways it’s unique which in turn does enough to keep you coming back for more. In terms of content the game has a decent amount for you to get to grips with and the best thing is that the content has variety present in it as well. While the presentation side of the game isn’t going to blow you away anytime soon I actually enjoyed what both the visuals and sound design delivered. Technically the game held up really well throughout and the controls always felt satisfying during every game I played in. This game is best played in short bursts because it does have a tendency to get repetitive quickly. Quite a bit of grinding is required in order to unlock things which does make things become a little tedious after a short while. I found it very difficult to find an online game which is a shame because the game is fun when played online. I’ve seen many top-down combat games before and for the most part it’s a genre that I enjoy, but in terms of innovation this genre is definitely lacking in a few areas. At Sundown: Shots in the Dark however does offer you something different and whilst it does have a few shortcomings the shadow hide and seek mechanic does make things stand out quite considerably. Despite this though I would still recommend that you play the game in short bursts because like every game in this genre it does get repetetive quite quickly. Thankfully though the variety in the content you get does help ease the repetetiveness a little but be prepared to grind quite a bit in order to get some of the content. Once you do unlock the content though there is more than enough to keep you occupied and on the technical side of things the content doesn’t have many if any problems at all. In fact the only real problem for me came from finding a game online. It did take me a while and this did frustrate me because the game is a huge amount of fun when played alone. At the end of the day then if you’re able to look past this game’s slight imperfections then I have no doubt that fans of these types of game’s will find more than enough in At Sundown: Shots in the Dark to keep you satisfied which culminates in a recommendation from me. Thumbs up.

Review by TheXboxHub
23 janvier 2019

Learning tactics, grabbing special abilities while fighting and luring your enemies to their destruction will always take a while to get stale. What is more problematic is the lack of game modes and variety of things to do; this is certainly a game that will need a strong community to allow it to work online.

Review by Xbox Tavern
23 janvier 2019

At Sundown sports a tense and interesting hide and seek-like style of play through the use of its cleverly implemented light and shadow stealth system. However, despite its fairly healthy variation across its weaponry, its modes, and its maps, it all falls victim to repetition a lot sooner than expected. It doesn’t help matters that, even on launch day, its online component seems painfully devoid of popularity.

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Informations sur le jeu
Date de Sortie 22 janvier 2019
Éditeur Versus Evil, Mild Beast Games
Contenu Classé T (Teen)
Modes de Jeu Multijoueur, Un seul joueur
Perspectives des joueurs Vue d'oiseau / Isométrique
Genres Tireur, Indie, Arcade
Thèmes Action, Furtif, Fête
Plateformes Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch