Alekhine's Gun

Connaissez-vous quelqu’un qui pourrait aimer ce jeu ?


Alekhine's Gun vous plonge au cœur de la tension et de la complexité du conflit du Bloc de l'Est au milieu du 20e siècle, où vous serez confronté à des trahisons et à des menaces nucléaires imminentes. Démêlez la conspiration. Découvrez la vérité. Sauvez le monde.


L'intrigue s'articule autour d'événements historiques tels que l'invasion de la baie des Cochons et l'assassinat du président américain John F. Kennedy.

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Alekhine's Gun Critiques et évaluations

Review by Kotofon [user]
6 juin 2020

Alekhine's Gun – военный стелс-экшен, известный под названиями Смерть Шпионам 2 и Death to Spies 3: Ghost of Moscow. Игра, разработаннаяAlekhine's Gun – военный стелс-экшен, известный под названиями Смерть Шпионам 2 и Death to Spies 3: Ghost of Moscow. Игра, разработанная российской компанией Haggard Games призвана продолжить сюжет первой части Смерть Шпионам, а также дополнения к ней – Момент истины.

Review by Tavan [user]
27 novembre 2019

Tries desperately to be Hitman and fails spectacularly. Clunky gameplay, poor physics, moronic cutscenes and no brightness option makes this aTries desperately to be Hitman and fails spectacularly. Clunky gameplay, poor physics, moronic cutscenes and no brightness option makes this a complete and utter dud. To even compare this to Hitman is an insult to the franchise.

Review by CD-Action
30 mai 2016

Hitman’s less gifted cousin has a lot of flaws that I need to point out, like a poor story that I didn’t care about, stupid AI painfully reminding that you’re playing a game, and dated visuals. Surprisingly, despite all that I do not regret playing Alekhine’s Gun, because its mechanics are solid and eleven locations are varied and well-designed.

Review by Game World Navigator Magazine
18 mai 2016

Biggest problem of AG isn’t the story or lackluster graphics, but its incredibly poor AI. Should you cause an alarm, every guard on the level will blindly run to that spot, letting you shoot them one by one without even changing position. At some point, you start to wonder – why bother trying to stealth around if it’s so much easier to just kill everyone?

Review by Pelit (Finland)
9 mai 2016

You come at the king, you best not miss. Comparing Alekhine’s Gun to an AAA title like Hitman may seem unfair, but Maximum Games made the mistake of trying to defeat the ruler of the genre with its own weapons and they take a beating on every front.

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Informations sur le jeu
Date de Sortie 9 février 2016
Éditeur Maximum Games
Contenu Classé M (Mature)
Modes de Jeu Un seul joueur
Perspectives des joueurs Troisième personne
Genres Aventure, Tireur, Tactique, Stratégie
Thèmes Action, Historique, Fantaisie, Furtif
Plateformes PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One