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Aether Critiques et évaluations

Review by TheQuietGamer [user]
22 mars 2013

A short flash game with hints of genius that make it an enjoyable experience. It's a simple puzzle game with unique imagery. It's not exactlyA short flash game with hints of genius that make it an enjoyable experience. It's a simple puzzle game with unique imagery. It's not exactly a full game as it can be beat in well under an hour, which is most likely due to the fact that it is a flash game. The soundtrack is good, but it's just one track repeating over and over again and the controls could have used just a bit of tightening. There's also no replay value. When it comes down to it it's hard to fault a flash game for being short and only being an experience you'll want to play once, but had they added more content and tightened everything it's clear they could have had a brilliant game on their hands. As it stands now it feels more like a demo to a full game, but you really should play it if you get the chance.

Review by TheQuietGamer [user]
22 mars 2013

A short flash game with hints of genius that make it an enjoyable experience. It's a simple puzzle game with unique imagery. It's not exactlyA short flash game with hints of genius that make it an enjoyable experience. It's a simple puzzle game with unique imagery. It's not exactly a full game as it can be beat in well under an hour, which is most likely due to the fact that it is a flash game. The soundtrack is good, but it's just one track repeating over and over again and the controls could have used just a bit of tightening. There's also no replay value. When it comes down to it it's hard to fault a flash game for being short and only being an experience you'll want to play once, but had they added more content and tightened everything it's clear they could have had a brilliant game on their hands. As it stands now it feels more like a demo to a full game, but you really should play it if you get the chance.

Informations sur le jeu
Date de Sortie 8 septembre 2008
Éditeur Edmund McMillen
Modes de Jeu Un seul joueur
Perspectives des joueurs Vue de côté
Genres Aventure, Casse-tête
Plateformes Web browser