Football Manager 2013

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Football Manager 2013 (souvent abrégé en Football Manager 13, ou plus communément FM13) est un jeu vidéo de simulation de gestion de football 2012 développé par Sports Interactive et édité par Sega. Il est sorti sur Microsoft Windows et OS X le 2 novembre 2012[1]. Football Manager Handheld 2013 a ensuite été publié sur PlayStation Portable le 30 novembre[2], et sur iOS et Android le 13 décembre[3][4].

Football Manager 2013 Instructions d'activation

Football Manager 2013 Critiques et évaluations

Review by Firebala [user]
31 août 2013

The best manager I've ever played a game. I can only write about good things that are good for innovation. Classes can bind to the machineThe best manager I've ever played a game. I can only write about good things that are good for innovation. Classes can bind to the machine off. I look forward to the next part.

Review by HaniNachmias [user]
11 juillet 2013

Football Manager 2011+12 was really easy.. 2013 is more challenging, and really improved, 10/10,My most played game on steam.The new training system is great and easy to work with.The gameplay is wonderful.The sound.. meh, they could make the fans more realistic (example: Lords of Football) but it's okay..The graphics are really improved from FM12.Fantastic game, 10 out of 10.

Review by jin718 [user]
9 mai 2013

I don't know how people are giving positive feedbacks for this game. FM2013 is the worst FM series that's been out so far. I have beenI don't know how people are giving positive feedbacks for this game. FM2013 is the worst FM series that's been out so far. I have been playing this game since 2009 and i cant believe they messed up so hard this year. 3D engine looks like players are playing soccer on ice. 2012 was soooooo good and how can you guys ruin like this??? Don't purchase this piece of and stick with your FM2012 or wait for FM2014. Additionaly, FM2012 is the best.

Review by PC Master (Greece)
6 février 2013

Developer SI has delivered the best manager in several aspects of gameplay, introducing new elements, while simultaneously reinstating some classic, loved features from the past.

Review by IMPERIUM [user]
6 janvier 2013

Well were to start, always been a big fan of FM but this years there are problems.Im just not enjoying as much as I thought I would of, IWell were to start, always been a big fan of FM but this years there are problems.Im just not enjoying as much as I thought I would of, I bought the game for not only single player but to play online with friends, Online mode is really buggy and slow when you play matches but its fine when your host. Now I done research on this and its happening to a lot of people where you play a game online and it takes around 10mins to complete a match and that's on full speed commentary only, So for me that's 1 thing that's messed it up for me because I was really looking forward to starting a league but really impossible due to the length of the games, it needs to be sorted out

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Informations sur le jeu
Date de Sortie 2 novembre 2012
Éditeur Sega, Sports Interactive
Note Globale 88%
Modes de Jeu Un seul joueur, Multijoueur
Perspectives des joueurs Vue d'oiseau / Isométrique
Genres Sport, Stratégie
Plateformes PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac